mondat till today... hrmm... start to feel bored d... but there are diff btw these two places....
1st - campus
2nd - hometown
1. Weekdays - 10am
- shit, i'm late for class...
- still early, can sleep more...
2. Weekend - 11am
- no class today, can sleep more...
- wake up!!! wat time d!!! still sleeping!!! ( somebody yelling)
3. alarm clock
-need to set alarm ( if not, no need go class )
-no need to set alarm - auto alarm
4. mamak at midnight
-go je la... no one care also.....
-so late d still wanna mamak... go sleep... !@#$%
5. McD
-once a week
-ku ku chi pai , chi ni sa pai.... ( long long one time, one year trice...)
6.internet line page also susah wanna load.... keep refreshing... click click click....( problem loading)
-upload je... no block... no fortiguard... :)
-captain amour - hei hei chao mien, zi si mien, zi fan... haiz.....
-apa apa pun ada~~~
- hot - jom library
- hot- click the button... thhii.... enjoy~~~
- everyday kap siao... song nye... but no lui to kap... aiks...
- face 4 walls... aiks...
- no time to watch ...
- watch till sien...
- so damn hard...
- toink toink toink... comfortable dao....
12. bathroom
- pls la flush after use... cant stand just for a sec..
- enjoy... home toilet is the best....
- omg... apa apa insects pun ada... green, yellow, black , u name it...
- me la... sien till become insect d...
-budget budget... rm 10 perday... but sure over one... haih...
-mkn mkn mkn... minum minum minum... dun care la... haha...
-hand wash... wash till back pain.. haih...
-washing machine...
17.wearing clothes
-jeans- wash once in 1 or 2 weeks... budget budget... lolz...
-after pakai .. wash je la...
-can see that person...
-dreaming je la....
wat a life.... haha....